With this feature you have several options to search our database.
The first search option is to leave all white boxes blank and click on search at the bottom of the page. This will list all data in our database alphabetically by heading type (example - Alexandria City Court, Cash Sale, etc.) When you reach the bottom of each page, you can use the previous or next links to move backward or forward. You can also use the go to page feature by clicking on the down arrow next to the page number and then click the go button. The bottom menu bar will show which block of records you are viewing out of the total records in the database. When you have finished, you may click on the new search button found at the top of the screen under the Search bar, or click on the Parish button under Your Editions.
The second search option is to search only for a particular type of data. This can be accomplished in two ways. a Click on the Search None (the Search All button will add check marks to all of the data types and the Search none button removes all check marks) button to clear all check marks. Now check only the type(s) you which to view, click search at bottom of screen. b The second option is to type what you are looking for in the Search For box and then click the search button (example - Typing the word eviction and then clicking search will show each eviction in the database). This will also work to locate a company or individual's name. This type of search may return unexpected results due to spelling variations. When we list data, we use the exact spelling we see in the original documents even when it is an obvious error.
All of the above search types can also be limited by date range. To search for a particular range, enter the beginning and ending dates either by typing the date (use this format mm/dd/yyyy) or by selecting the date from the two calendars.
You can find additional information about our site from the "How To Use This Site" link on the left menu bar.